
When you participate in our panel, your privacy is guaranteed at all times. All information that you provide will be treated by us in strict confidence. Your personal data is secure and is only used for research purposes. The research in the Leiden University Panel will be conducted in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Research and Statistics (Gedragscode voor onderzoek en statistiek). Using the code ensures compliance with the requirements of the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens, Wbp). The Dutch Data Protection Authority (de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) has officially issued a statement of approval on the Code of Conduct for Research and Statistics.

In brief

Basically, this means that we only use your data for the research conducted by the Leiden University Panel. We will never use your data to sell you anything, or send you anything unsolicited. Your data will never be given to third parties. It will be processed anonymously and reported to our clients.

No sales objective

The Leiden University Panel is not trying to sell or recommend anything. The Leiden University Panel handles all your data confidentially, and will not use it for marketing purposes or transfer it to third parties.

Marktonderzoek, dus geen verkoop

Ruigrok NetPanel

The Leiden University Panel is being managed by Ruigrok NetPanel, a market research firm. Ruigrok NetPanel is affiliated with the Market Research Association (MarktOnderzoekAssociatie - MOA) and ESOMAR. Ruigrok NetPanel is also a member of the Research Certification Group (Research Keurmerkgroep) and is ISO certified (ISO 20252 and ISO 26362 for access panels).

Member of the MOA

Ruigrok NetPanel is a member of the MOA, so when it conducts market research it respects the international code for market research drawn up by the European Association for Market Research ESOMAR in collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Code of Conduct concerning privacy protection.

The international code for market research

The international code for market research regulates the basic ethical and business principles of conducting market and opinion research, including:

What will happen to my data?

How secure is my data?

For more information:

  • Ruigrok NetPanel
  • MOAweb
  • Esomar