In the future, this page will contain the results of the various surveys conducted by the Leiden University Panel. It’s nice to know what Leiden University does with your input and feedback.
Not all members of the Leiden University Panel will be approached for every survey; it will depend on the survey’s target group. It may be the case, therefore, that you are not invited to participate in every survey listed.
As of summer 2021, there applies a deposit for small deposit bottles in the Netherlands. Leiden University offers the opportunity to collect such bottles in donation bins at its various horeca facilities. The revenue of the bins is donated to the Plastic Soup Foundation. Currently, in addition to plastic bottles, a lot of regular trash disappears into the donation bins. This study provides insight into the familiarity with and experience of the donation bins and what possible areas of improvement students see to combat the disruption of the waste stream. Curious about the results? You'll read it here.
UFB has set up the SharedDesk reservation system with which students can reserve study places at the university. The aim of this research is to map out the general needs of students regarding the reservation of study places, and specifically what needs students have regarding the reservation with SharedDesk. Curious about the results? You read it here.
Leiden University is curious whether the current situation of extended opening hours around the examination period meets the wishes of the students. This research has given Leiden University more insight into the needs and wishes of students about studying at the university. Thank you for sharing your opinion!
Leiden University believes that safety at the university is very important. Based on the input from this study, the safety at the university can be improved. We therefore would like to thank all the members of the Leiden University Panel for sharing their opinions.
We would like to thank all the members of the Leiden University Panel for sharing their opinions In total, 470 panel members participated in the survey (March & April 2018).
The research about the catering (2016) showed that students and staff want healthy and organic meals. This has led to the development of Pure. PURE’s focus is on three aspects: vegetarian, healthy and sustainable food.